Monday, September 27, 2010

miss three

 I cannot believe I have a three year old. Something I always catch myself saying is "She's like an actual person!" I know that should be pretty obvious to me as I am the one that went through the excruciating pain of giving birth to this 'person', but she is developing her own personality, and sense of values and desires and an incredible sense of humour, and an amazing emotional awareness of herself and people around her. The other day she was in the middle of a tantrum, and decided to sit in a corner on her own, facing the wall. I asked her what was wrong, and she said "Mummy, I am sad." I said "Ok, would you like me to sit and be sad with you?" And she responded, "No thankyou Mummy, I just want to be myself and be sad for a while."
I love that she is only three, and has illustrated an amazing concept, that us as adults seem to forget, it is ok to be sad sometimes, and even more, she found a way to deal with it and get through it on her own. five minutes later she came running to me and said "Mummy, I'm not sad anymore!"
And just like that, my miss three has recognised and worked through an emotion all on her own! Maybe she can teach me how? ;)


  1. This is what I love about children - often they teach us more than we teach them! :)

  2. Man she's gorgeous Jem! I was just thinking of you guys yesterday when one of Ever's little friends pee-ed on the carpet in the toy room! Heehee!
