Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Spring Garden Party

To celebrate Rayya turning three, we had a Spring Garden Party with friends and family. Rayya, had a ball, as did all the kids. But I learnt lesson no.1 in kids party rules;
#1 If you think your being clever, by combining party bags, and a game by having a lolly scavenger hunt where the kids collect as many lollies as they can find, your not clever, your really quite dumb and are about to make a few new enemies of parents.
But despite that, it was a wonderful day, and I am a very proud mum of my Rayya Lee

1 comment:

  1. Jem you did such a beautiful job of Rayya's party. It was all so pretty and prefect for little Ray of sunshine! We have been eating through the lollies slowly at home and still have a few left! Elara was sick that night (from a bug... not food related!)and has since said she's never eat too many lollies/chocolate at once! That's a great result from a party I think!

    Love the new blog design and look forward to seeing it develop!
